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[hylafax-devel] Re: My RH6.2 RPM hack & Q: Failure to train at 2400 bps or +FMINSP value

On Wed, 17 May 2000 17:05:09 -0400 (EDT), Robert Hardy wrote:

Hello Robert!

>I keep trying to send a fax out but it keeps failing. Does anyone have any
>ideas what I can try next or where the fault lies?
>"Your facsimile job to 19059478568 failed because: Failure to train at 2400
>bps or +FMINSP value; Giving up after 3 attempts to send same page"

The called faxmachine send a DIS frame, which could misinterpreted by some Class 2/2.0 faxmodems:

Send:     ATDT0W0019059478568<CR>
Receive:  <CR><LF>
Receive:  CONNECT<CR><LF>
Debug:    passing point (T) of T.30
Receive:  <ff><ETX>@            ATADERUP
Receive:  CSI                     
Receive:  OK<CR><LF>
Send:     AT+FRH=3<CR>
Receive:  <CR><LF>
Receive:  CONNECT<CR><LF>
Receive:  <ff><DC3><80><NUL>^<f8><80><80><88><SOH>
Receive:  final frame
Receive:  Subaddressing capability signaled
Receive:  DIS 19,5,0,2,0,0,0,0,0[,2]
Receive:  OK<CR><LF>

The first value of the above DIS is 0x19 (according to ITU-T.32) and means that receiver is 

0 ... 204x98 dpi
1 ... 204x196 dpi
8 ... 200x100 dpi
16 .. 200x200 dpi

It is a sign, that receiver has both inch and metric based resolution! A lot of class 2 (and 
maybe some class 2.0 too) modems do not quite understand such DIS parameters and will fail (in 
your case training).

>I'm tried it on a few subsequent occasions, it simply won't talk to that fax
>particular modem/fax machine. Odd thing is it worked fine sending and
>receiving to another machine.

Try another modem ...

Mit herzlichen Gruessen / Yours sincerely

Dr. Harald Pollack


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