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[hylafax-devel] Re: Modem Reset Commands
Steve Williams <steve@genie96.com> writes:
> > - usually admins tune their modems once (e.g. adjust TX level for the
> > specific telco line) and then store resulting settings to the NVRAM; that's
> I have spoke on this before, but no-one that hopes to run HylaFAX RELIABLY
> in a mixed data/fax environment can rely on this. I know 100 % for sure that
> I do NOT rely on the modem being in any "default" state.
Then you should never switch on your modem, because it automatically loads
"default" ATZ profile after supplying the power.
Look, I do not claim that ATZ has to be the only init command for all
cases. I just propose two-step ininializing sequence (not taking into
account that Hylafax itself does):
ModemSoftResetCmd ATZ (default)
ModemResetCmds "" (default)
You can change both parameters as you like. But for most users the proposed
defaults are the reasonable choice.
> I have mentioned this before..
> HOWEVER, if the ATZ resets the data pump, then I am all for it.
> BUT...the state of the modem after the ATZ MUST BE SUSPECT.. if a user
> ( via cu, minicom, etc ) has set the modem to something & done an AT&W
... then the next DTR drop will also restore NVRAM profile values (see
Robert's message). Should DTR dropping be also prohibited? :-))
> I just like to make this real clear... In a fax only environent, where
> HylaFAX is the only thing accessing the modem, relying on ATZ would
> be acceptable.
Hope to hear from you soon,
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