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[hylafax-devel] My RH6.2 RPM hack & Q: Failure to train at 2400 bps or +FMINSP value
I keep trying to send a fax out but it keeps failing. Does anyone have any
ideas what I can try next or where the fault lies?
"Your facsimile job to 19059478568 failed because: Failure to train at 2400
bps or +FMINSP value; Giving up after 3 attempts to send same page"
I'm using the RPM I built for RH6.2. It is based on a CVS image from a short
while ago. I suppose the other alternative is it doesn't work with my USR
Sporster 56K Fax modem.
I'm tried it on a few subsequent occasions, it simply won't talk to that fax
particular modem/fax machine. Odd thing is it worked fine sending and
receiving to another machine.
The details of my modem, a session trace and config file are available here:
I have the most recent ROM available for my modem. I have looked through the
archives for both lists and tried what they suggested to no avail.
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Robert Hardy C.E.O. Webcon Inc.
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