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[hylafax-devel] Re: Your Hylafax dbely-3rtn.patch
On Thu, 11 May 2000, Robert Hardy wrote:
> I now have a functional SRPM/RPM combo here for Redhat 6.2. I believe it
> compiles warning free. I would be happy to share them/upload them if you
> want them. This version finally sends faxes and receives successfully with
> libtiff 3.5.4.
Perhaps, off-list, you can communicate to me what you have done. I've
already a clear view on how to accomplish this since I have had a 4.1beta3
RPM in production for awhile now in anticipation of this release, and I'm
interested to see what you did. A patch against the current
(hylafax-4.1beta1.spec) file might be cool.
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