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[hylafax-devel] Re: Your Hylafax dbely-3rtn.patch

On Thu, 11 May 2000, Darren Nickerson wrote:
> On 11 May 2000, Dmitry Bely wrote:
> > Robert Hardy <rhardy@webcon.net> writes:
> > 
> > > I'm most pleased to see your recently posted dbely-3rtn.patch on hylafax.org.
> > > Your patch fixes a bunch of problems which I specifically need fixed.
> > > 
> > > I'm trying to get Hylafax working on Redhat 6.2. Once I do and have had a
> > > chance to test it, I would be please to share the resulting rpm/srpm.
> This should not be overly hard ;-) I'll see if I can have an official
> release out by Monday.

I now have a functional SRPM/RPM combo here for Redhat 6.2. I believe it
compiles warning free. I would be happy to share them/upload them if you
want them. This version finally sends faxes and receives successfully with
libtiff 3.5.4.

It does have one remaining problem. It occasionally fails to receive a fax
with a :

"An attempt to receive facsimile on ttyS2 failed because:                                  
  Missing EOL after 5 seconds (section 3.2/T.4)"

This isn't immediately a really big deal for us as it is a hit or miss
thing. If it fails our fax system requeues it and it makes it through the
second time 100% ok.

I would like to find a solution to this. I haven't dug through the devel
archives yet...

I should mention that the build has only been tested twice. Once for send
and receive of a single page fax and once for send & receive of a 4 page


----------------"Linux the choice of a GNU Generation!"-----------------
Robert Hardy                                          C.E.O. Webcon Inc.
rhardy@webcon.net      PGP Key available by finger        (613) 276-6206

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