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[hylafax-devel] Re: Your Hylafax dbely-3rtn.patch
On 11 May 2000, Dmitry Bely wrote:
> Robert Hardy <rhardy@webcon.net> writes:
> > I'm most pleased to see your recently posted dbely-3rtn.patch on hylafax.org.
> > Your patch fixes a bunch of problems which I specifically need fixed.
> >
> > I'm trying to get Hylafax working on Redhat 6.2. Once I do and have had a
> > chance to test it, I would be please to share the resulting rpm/srpm.
> >
> > This RPM build is quicky becoming a port session. I wish all the patches were
> > in the CVS tree...
> Yes, me too...
I've been looking at the RPM design. It would make sense to me to rip out
all those "configure" options and put them in a "config.local" source file.
It would also make debugging and test development. I'll post the modified
one if there is interest.
Nico Kadel-Garcia
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