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[hylafax-devel] Re: Your Hylafax dbely-3rtn.patch
At 12:16 PM 5/11/00 +0400, Dmitry Bely wrote:
>Robert Hardy <rhardy@webcon.net> writes:
> > This RPM build is quicky becoming a port session. I wish all the
> patches were
> > in the CVS tree...
>Yes, me too...
I think everyone does.....
> > >From cursory inspection of your new patch, I see more instances of
> uint16 and expect
> > similar problems.
>Can you point to them? Personally I don't know other places that should
>be changed while libtiff 3.4 -> 3.5 transition.
For the patch i just committed to cvs a created a #define in port.h for a
'tiff_runlen_t' type, if you use that rather than uint16 or uint32 the code
should be compilable across tiff versions(almost with some autodetect stuff
added to configure). Nothing(without a big effort) will make the resulting
binaries compatible with the different tiff libraries...be very careful
when specifying those rpm dependencies.
> > Do you have a version of your patch which works with current V3.5.4 libtiff
> > libraries which use internal 32 bit functions for setRuns among other
> things?
>I hope to publish an updated patch (it will be libtiff 3.5 compatible among
>other thing) in a week. Subscribe to hylafax-devel and stay tuned. In the
>meantime you can browse the previous patch discussion at
> > If you do I would appreciate it if you would share it with me as I would
> > like to finally make hylafax a reliable fax solution for our needs.
>Do you think that other Hylafax users don't need a reliable fax solution?
- Robert
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