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[hylafax-devel] Re: Your Hylafax dbely-3rtn.patch

On Thu, 11 May 2000, Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:

> I've been looking at the RPM design. It would make sense to me to rip out
> all those "configure" options and put them in a "config.local" source file.
> It would also make debugging and test development.

Eh? I don't think I agree. I LOVE having it completely obvious from the
.spec file EXACTLY how HylaFAX is being configured. I don't see the value
of hiding it in config.local just to accomplish the same thing.

There are clearly broken aspects of the RPM which need fixing for recent
redhat/libtiff. I apologise for the latency on this, but I've just
finished a transatlantic move to Philadelphia and until recently haven't
has a spare microsecond.

I'll try to get a new RPM out this weekend. It will firmly require a
libtiff upgrade.


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