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[hylafax-devel] atz

hi to all!

this is from man config:
              A  string  of commands to issue to the modem during
              initialization.  This string is sent to  the  modem
              before  the  standard set of configuration commands
              required by the fax server.  Note that  these  com­
              mands should not include normal reset commands that
              are specified through other parameters.  For  exam­
              ple,  commands to setup flow control, DCD handling,
              DTR handling, etc. should be specified through  the
              appropriate   configuration   parameters   and  not
              through this parameter.  In addition the soft reset
              command (usually ``ATZ'') should not be included in
              this string; the servers issue this command explic­

              The time, in milliseconds, to pause after resetting
              a modem either  by  dropping  the  DTR  signal,  or
              through  a  software reset command.  This parameter
              should be long enough to permit the modem to do any
              reset-related processing it requires.

this is from Dmitry's new patch:
8. Default value for ModemResetCmds is now "ATZ". (ModemSoftResetCmd
parameter was never used :-)) (faxd/ModemConfig.c++, man/config.4f)

9. Unused ModemResetCmd parameter has been deleted. (faxd/ModemConfig.c++)

this is what i think:

1. ModemResetCmd  should send ATZ as a default
   make ATZ a configurable string or not, but ATZ it is necessary
   to do an internal modem reset (this hopefully brings the modem back to
   after an internal crash, hangs up the line...)

2. for some ATZ is not sufficient (many apps using one modem)
   then please look at ModemResetCmds
   this is optional and can send additional reset/config data to the
   modem before (? i do not know the source) ATZ (or ModemResetCommand) is

   here you can send AT&F, AT&W if you have to.

if i understood you correctly, then it would be better to undo this patch?

ModemResetCmds is never used because you need it only in rare cases (if you
many apps with one modem and one of these apps modifies your modem's NVRAM)


I forwarded this to the hylafax list because this is not developement-only
there may be some admins with additiional experience about the topic only on
hylafax list

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