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[hylafax-devel] Re: My RTN patch and many other changes/enhance ments, third edition :-)

Aidan Van Dyk <aidan@highrise.ca> writes:

> >> the devices that the "developpers" have identified.  Once the set is
> >> made, changes should be few and far between (hopefully).
> > 
> > I guess if "fairly static" means it doesn't change more than about once
> > a year it would be OK to compile in. But that seems to be contrary
> > to the design of HylaFAX where most anything in the software can 
> > be changed with config files.
> Very true...

I don't agree and will not implement loading NSF signatures from the
file. This information is only needed for qualified developers and does not
affect normal Hylafax operation, but every collected NSF requires initial
reverse engineering (again by qualified developer, who can easily
recompile the sources) which cannot be done automatically. Remember, it's
NON-STANDARD facilities frame, i.e. frame what every fax manufacturer
implements his own (completely undocumented) way.

Hope to hear from you soon,

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