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[hylafax-devel] Re: atz
"Bernd Proissl" <news@proissl.de> writes:
> this is from man config:
> --snip--
> ModemResetCmds
> A string of commands to issue to the modem during
> initialization. This string is sent to the modem
> before the standard set of configuration commands
> required by the fax server. Note that these com-
> mands should not include normal reset commands that
> are specified through other parameters. For exam-
> ple, commands to setup flow control, DCD handling,
> DTR handling, etc. should be specified through the
> appropriate configuration parameters and not
> through this parameter. In addition the soft reset
> command (usually ``ATZ'') should not be included in
> this string; the servers issue this command explic-
> itly.
Soft reset command (ModemSoftReset) is *never* used. The text above have
nothing to do with the reality.
> ModemResetDelay
> The time, in milliseconds, to pause after resetting
> a modem either by dropping the DTR signal, or
> through a software reset command.
Also wrong. In fact, affects DTR drop only.
> This parameter
> should be long enough to permit the modem to do any
> reset-related processing it requires.
> --snip--
> this is from Dmitry's new patch:
> --snip--
> 8. Default value for ModemResetCmds is now "ATZ". (ModemSoftResetCmd
> parameter was never used :-)) (faxd/ModemConfig.c++, man/config.4f)
> 9. Unused ModemResetCmd parameter has been deleted. (faxd/ModemConfig.c++)
> --snip--
> this is what i think:
> 1. ModemResetCmd should send ATZ as a default
There is no such parameter. It's just an alias for ModemResetCmds:
} atcmds[] = {
{ "modemresetcmds", &ModemConfig::resetCmds },
{ "modemresetcmd", &ModemConfig::resetCmds },
> make ATZ a configurable string or not, but ATZ it is necessary
> to do an internal modem reset (this hopefully brings the modem back to
> life
> after an internal crash, hangs up the line...)
> 2. for some ATZ is not sufficient (many apps using one modem)
> then please look at ModemResetCmds
> this is optional and can send additional reset/config data to the
> modem before (? i do not know the source) ATZ (or ModemResetCommand) is
> send.
> here you can send AT&F, AT&W if you have to.
Look, unpatched Hylafax initializes the modem the following way:
ClassModem::ClassModem(ModemServer& s, const ModemConfig& c)
: server(s)
, conf(c)
, mfrQueryCmd(c.mfrQueryCmd)
, modelQueryCmd(c.modelQueryCmd)
, revQueryCmd(c.revQueryCmd)
* The modem drivers and main server code require:
* echoOff command echo disabled
* verboseResults verbose command result strings
* resultCodes result codes enabled
* onHook modem initially on hook (hung up)
* noAutoAnswer no auto-answer (we do it manually)
* In addition the following configuration is included
* in the reset command set:
* flowControl DCE-DTE flow control method
* setupDTR DTR management technique
* setupDCD DCD management technique
* pauseTime time to pause for "," when dialing
* waitTime time to wait for carrier when dialing
* Any other modem-specific configuration that needs to
* be done at reset time should be implemented by overriding
* the ClassModem::reset method.
// XXX: workaround yet another GCC bug (sigh)
const fxStr& flow = conf.getFlowCmd(conf.flowControl);
resetCmds = "AT"
| stripAT(conf.resetCmds) // prepend to insure our needs
| stripAT(conf.echoOffCmd)
| stripAT(conf.verboseResultsCmd)
| stripAT(conf.resultCodesCmd)
| stripAT(conf.noAutoAnswerCmd)
| stripAT(conf.onHookCmd)
| "\nAT"
| stripAT(conf.pauseTimeCmd)
| stripAT(conf.waitTimeCmd)
| stripAT(flow)
| stripAT(conf.setupDTRCmd)
| stripAT(conf.setupDCDCmd)
modemServices = 0;
rate = BR0;
flowControl = conf.flowControl;
iFlow = FLOW_NONE;
oFlow = FLOW_NONE;
* Hayes-style modem manipulation support.
ClassModem::reset(long ms)
pause(conf.resetDelay); // pause so modem can do reset
* On some systems lowering and raising DTR is not done
* properly (DTR is not raised when requested); thus we
* reopen the device to insure that DTR is reasserted.
if (!setBaudRate(rate, iFlow, oFlow))
return (false);
return atCmd(resetCmds, AT_OK, ms);
> Dmitry,
> if i understood you correctly, then it would be better to undo this patch?
You choose... But if you have some specific ModemResetCmds in you config,
*nothing* will change for you after applying the patch.
> ModemResetCmds is never used because you need it only in rare cases (if you
> run many apps with one modem and one of these apps modifies your modem's NVRAM)
Hmm, I looked into the Hylafax sources again and changed my mind :-)
I think, we should leave current defaults as they are:
ModemResetCms: ""
ModemSoftReset: "ATZ"
revoke my ModemResetCms and ModemSoftReset-related changes in config.4f,
but change the following:
--- ClassModem.c++.orig Wed Apr 05 17:31:28 2000
+++ ClassModem.c++ Sat Apr 15 11:32:50 2000
@@ -650,7 +650,8 @@
if (!setBaudRate(rate, iFlow, oFlow))
return (false);
- return atCmd(resetCmds, AT_OK, ms);
+ return atCmd(conf.softResetCmd, AT_OK, conf.resetDelay) &&
+ atCmd(resetCmds, AT_OK, ms);
This way even current ModemResetCms and ModemSoftResetCmd description in
config.4f will be correct :-) Should I release version 3.1 of my patch? :-)
> I forwarded this to the hylafax list because this is not developement-only
> and there may be some admins with additiional experience about the topic only on
> the hylafax list
Hope to hear from you soon,
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