Hardware Compatibility List
Analog Modems
- MultiTech MultiModemDID
- MultiTech MultiModemZBA
Analog Fax Boards
- Mainpine Rockforce Duo+
- Mainpine Rockforce Quatro+
- Mainpine Rockforce Octo+
- MultiTech MultimodemZPX
- MultiTech MultimodemISI/4
- MultiTech MultimodemISI/8
- Perle Systems PCI-RAS4
- Perle Systems PCI-RAS8
- Eicon Diva Server Analog (4,8 port)
- Brooktrout TR1034 Analog (2,4,8 port) *requires non-free version of HylaFAX
Digital Fax Boards
- Eicon Diva Server
- Brooktrout TR1034 *Required non-free version of HylaFAX
- Brooktrout TR114 *Required non-free version of HylaFAX