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Re: [hylafax-users] Fax rotation difficulties with Itext


HylaFAX uses Ghostscript for PDF-to-fax conversion. So you'll probably have better luck posting these to Ghostscript's bugzilla.

You'll probably want to test using pdf2ps and then file the bug report against pdf2ps... however, you could also do the more laborious effort of investigating how bin/pdf2fax calls gs and then file the report against gs.

Certainly you'll want to test against the latest Ghostscript release.



Matt Schulze wrote:
Hello again,

As there has been no response to the original post regarding Hylafax
failing to transmit rotated PDFs as rotated, I figured that a sample
file or two might help :-) Attached are a pair of sample PDFs that
display the described behavior when sent via Hylafax.

Any assistance in resolving the issue would be appreciated.
Matt Schulze

I am having a bit of difficulty sending rotated PDFs over Hylafax. The original orientation of the PDF is landscape, and it is rotated 90 degrees to portrait via the Itext Java library. When viewed in a PDF image viewer, the files appear to be properly reoriented.

When the document is sent via fax, the receiving machine prints the
content as if it were not rotated - each page consists of
landscape-formatted data truncated to fit on to a portrait-orientation

This behavior appears to be specific to Itext-rotated PDFs; documents
that are rotated using the pdflib library are successfully displayed as
reformatted by the receiving fax machine.

Any assistance with getting Hylafax to handle landscape->portrait
rotation using Itext would be greatly appreciated.

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