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Re: [hylafax-users] Configuring HylaFAX on Fedora 9 (upstart vs init)

* Eric <spamsink@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> [080920 00:49]:
> Is there any documentation on setting up HylaFAX to receive faxes on 
> systems that use upstart rather than init, e.g. Fedora 9?
> The HylaFAX documentation on hylafax.org discusses revising inittab 
> to add calls to faxgetty, but that evidently doesn't work with 
> systems that use upstart.
> I assume there needs to be some editing of /etc/event.d/serial but I 
> don't know where or what.

Basically, just convert your inittab line to a event.d file...  upstart
documentation shows how to do that...  In fact, I thought Ubuntu even
contained a utillty to convert inittab files...

Here's one I use on my desktop to play with:
	root@corn:/var/spool/hylafax# cat /etc/event.d/faxgetty-ttyIAX0
	# ttyIAX0 - IAXModem

	start on stopped rc2
	start on stopped rc3
	start on stopped rc4
	start on stopped rc5

	stop on runlevel 0
	stop on runlevel 1
	stop on runlevel 6

	respawn exec /usr/local/sbin/faxgetty ttyIAX0 | logger -t 'ttyIAX0-FaxGetty-STDOUT' -p local2.debug 2| logger -t 'ttyIAX0-FaxGetty-STDERR' -p local2.warn

Aidan Van Dyk                                             Create like a god,
aidan@xxxxxxxxxxx                                       command like a king,
http://www.highrise.ca/                                   work like a slave.

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