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Re: [hylafax-users] IAXmodem + Hylafax receive problem

Bryan Roberts wrote:
May 02 14:12:51.70: [ 3136]: <-- [9:AT+FTH=3\r]
May 02 14:12:51.72: [ 3136]: --> [7:CONNECT]
May 02 14:12:51.72: [ 3136]: <-- data [35]
May 02 14:12:51.72: [ 3136]: <-- data [2]
May 02 14:12:53.76: [ 3136]: --> [2:OK]
May 02 14:12:53.76: [ 3136]: RECV send PPR (partial page request)
May 02 14:12:53.76: [ 3136]: <-- [11:AT+FRM=146\r]
May 02 14:12:54.36: [ 3136]: --> [6:+FRH:3]
May 02 14:12:54.36: [ 3136]: --> [7:CONNECT]
May 02 14:12:55.52: [ 3136]: --> HDLC<9:FF C8 FD F2 40 00 04 29 12>
May 02 14:12:55.62: [ 3136]: --> [2:OK]
May 02 14:12:55.62: [ 3136]: RECV recv PPS (partial page signal)
May 02 14:12:55.62: [ 3136]: RECV recv MPS (more pages, same document)

Each case may be different, but in this case there's enough audio corruption going on that the modem is having difficulty training on the high-speed carrier. The sender recognizes this, and eventually gives up.

So the question isn't really a HylaFAX one but rather one dealing with your Asterisk setup. Why is the audio getting corrupted?

What kind of zaptel hardware are you using?



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