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[hylafax-users] login error 550 cannot set privileges

Hello All,

I have another error that bugs me.

Sometimes, it seems that Hylafax does not load properly, when I reboot the server locked by the HDLC error.
Users get "login error 550 cannot set privileges".

I sudo /etc/init.d/hylafax restart and then everybody is happy.

However, I would like to track down the problem.
How can I troubleshoot this?

Also, I run Hylafax 4.4.0 on an Ubuntu 7.10 server box.
I have found out that there is an Hylafax+ v.5, also.
Should I move to Hylafax+ and hope to solve my modem problems ?!
I did not find a package for Ubuntu, though.

thank for your time,

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