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Re: [hylafax-users] FaxMail + PDF Attachments + Email Header


To touch on something we had discussed earlier:

On Jan 17, 2008, at 6:24 PM, Aidan Van Dyk wrote:

> When this does work, seeing as how most mailers send a text/plain, as 
> well as a text/html attachment, will people actually get a single 
> plaintext page, and then an html optimized page? Or is it smart 
> enough that when the only parts are text/plain, and text/html, that 
> it will only display the HTML formatted page?

Unfortunately, you *will* get both documents attached.. With current
CVS, we're aiming to allow a mechanism to "pick" which of the available
multipart/alternative parts to use, but that's not in a released version

Back in the days when faxmail was originally written, multipart
alternative with the bloated HTML marked up MIMEs wasn't common

If i have a client who is persistently sending ONLY html formatted email, is there a way i can omit the plaintext version entirely? maybe something I can do wherein the plain text to ps converter returns null, and i can omit the blank page, and have only html2ps do its magic?

Also - I recently found an issue with the JFIF typerule in 4.4.4 - Its passing the DPI (%R) to pnmtops as a decimal number, but doing that apparently buggers up the PostScript formatting - enough to make hylafax choke on it. I had to run the normal jpeg2pnm command line through my own bash script which stripped the decimal point and trailing numbers out of the DPI to fix it (alternatively I could have forced the DPI, I suppose)

Kind of a kludge and not a real fix anyways, since the problem was with a guy putting a JPEG image in his HTML email attachment... the html2ps output said [IMAGE] where the image was, and included another (full) page of the image, scaled to fit the entire page... Not exactly Ideal... It would be nice to know if I could just 'disable' jpeg processing altogether and have hylafax just silently discard it.


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