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Re: [hylafax-users] patton 2977 configuration

After several testing, I noticed that:

ATH0 is issued immediately after for example:

1.  ANSWER: Ring detected without successful handshake
2. RECV FAX: bin/faxrcvd "recvq/fax000000009.tif" "ttyG0" "000000040" ""

and then, the modem is being initialised.

My conclusion:
1. ATH0 causes the channel to be clear and ready for any incoming call. So, new incoming call could land on the initialising modem.
2. NDID/NMBR appears too early for hylafax to be properly recognised.
3. Ringsbeforeanswer does not help. NDID/NMBR appears only between the 1st few rings as the below log shown. Nor does

Pls kindly advise.

Below is the log:
modem setting:
ModemRingResponse: at#cid=10
ModemResetCmds: at#cid=10
ringsbeforeanswer: 2

Feb  5 23:02:26 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: STATE CHANGE: RUNNING -> LISTENING
Feb  5 23:02:26 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> [4:RING]
Feb  5 23:02:26 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: <-- [10:AT#CID=10\r]
Feb  5 23:02:26 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> [13:NDID=91239123]
Feb  5 23:02:26 localhost FaxQueuer[9730]: FIFO RECV "+ttyG0:B"
Feb  5 23:02:26 localhost FaxQueuer[9730]: MODEM ttyG0: BUSY
Feb  5 23:02:26 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> [13:NMBR=21232123]
Feb  5 23:02:27 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> [2:OK]
Feb  5 23:02:27 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: ANSWER: Call ID 1 "91239123"
Feb  5 23:02:27 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: ANSWER: Call ID 2 "21232123"
Feb  5 23:02:27 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: STATE CHANGE: LISTENING -> ANSWERING
Feb  5 23:02:27 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: Apply CanonicalNumber rules to "+1.999.555.1212"
Feb  5 23:02:27 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> match rule "[^+0-9]+", result now "+1999.555.1212"
Feb  5 23:02:27 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> match rule "[^+0-9]+", result now "+1999555.1212"
Feb  5 23:02:27 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> match rule "[^+0-9]+", result now "+19995551212"
Feb  5 23:02:27 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> return result "+19995551212"
Feb  5 23:02:27 localhost FaxQueuer[9730]: FIFO RECV "+ttyG0:C"91239123","21232123""
Feb  5 23:02:27 localhost FaxQueuer[9730]: FIFO RECV "+ttyG0:I000000046"
Feb  5 23:02:27 localhost FaxQueuer[9730]: MODEM ttyG0: COMID 000000046
Feb  5 23:02:33 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: ANSWER: FAX CONNECTION  DEVICE '/dev/ttyG0'
Feb  5 23:02:33 localhost FaxQueuer[9730]: FIFO RECV "@ttyG0:B"
Feb  5 23:02:53 localhost FaxQueuer[9730]: FIFO RECV "@ttyG0:S0,0,3ffe7f,recvq/fax000000013.tif,000000046,"","","","","91239123","21232123""
Feb  5 23:03:28 localhost FaxGetty[10841]: RECV FAX (000000046): from +852 12345678, page 1 in 0:49, INF, 3.85 line/mm, 2-D MR, 9600 bit/s
Feb  5 23:03:28 localhost FaxGetty[10842]: RECV FAX (000000046): recvq/fax000000013.tif from +852 12345678, route to <unspecified>, 1 pages in 0:55
Feb  5 23:03:28 localhost FaxQueuer[9730]: FIFO RECV "@ttyG0:P31,1,346018,recvq/fax000000013.tif,000000046,"+852 12345678","<UNSPECIFIED>","","","91239123","21232123""
Feb  5 23:03:28 localhost FaxQueuer[9730]: FIFO RECV "@ttyG0:D37,1,346018,recvq/fax000000013.tif,000000046,"+852 12345678","<UNSPECIFIED>","","","91239123","21232123""
Feb  5 23:03:30 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: RECV FAX: bin/faxrcvd "recvq/fax000000013.tif" "ttyG0" "000000046" "" "91239123" "21232123"
Feb  5 23:03:30 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: <-- [5:ATH0\r]
Feb  5 23:03:30 localhost FaxQueuer[9730]: FIFO RECV "@ttyG0:E"
Feb  5 23:03:30 localhost FaxQueuer[9730]: FIFO RECV "+ttyG0:I"
Feb  5 23:03:30 localhost FaxQueuer[9730]: MODEM ttyG0: COMID
Feb  5 23:03:31 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> [2:OK]
Feb  5 23:03:31 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM set DTR OFF
Feb  5 23:03:32 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM set DTR OFF
Feb  5 23:03:32 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: DELAY 75 ms
Feb  5 23:03:32 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM set DTR ON
Feb  5 23:03:32 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: DELAY 2600 ms
Feb  5 23:03:36 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM set baud rate: 19200 baud, input flow RTS/CTS, output flow RTS/CTS
Feb  5 23:03:36 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: DELAY 10 ms
Feb  5 23:03:36 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM flush i/o
Feb  5 23:03:36 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: <-- [4:ATZ\r]
Feb  5 23:03:36 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> [13:NDID=91239123]
Feb  5 23:03:36 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> [13:NMBR=21232123]
Feb  5 23:03:38 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> [2:OK]
Feb  5 23:03:38 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: DELAY 3000 ms
Feb  5 23:03:41 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM flush i/o
Feb  5 23:03:41 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: <-- [10:AT#CID=10\r]
Feb  5 23:03:41 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> [9:AT#CID=10]
Feb  5 23:03:41 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> [2:OK]
Feb  5 23:03:41 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: <-- [7:ATS0=0\r]
Feb  5 23:03:41 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> [6:ATS0=0]
Feb  5 23:03:41 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> [2:OK]
Feb  5 23:03:41 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: <-- [5:ATE0\r]
Feb  5 23:03:42 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> [4:ATE0]
Feb  5 23:03:42 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> [2:OK]
Feb  5 23:03:42 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: <-- [5:ATV1\r]
Feb  5 23:03:42 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> [4:RING]
Feb  5 23:03:42 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Ring
Feb  5 23:03:42 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> [13:NDID=91239123]
Feb  5 23:03:42 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> [13:NMBR=21232123]
Feb  5 23:03:42 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> [2:OK]
Feb  5 23:03:42 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: <-- [5:ATQ0\r]
Feb  5 23:03:42 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> [2:OK]
Feb  5 23:03:42 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: <-- [7:ATS8=2\r]
Feb  5 23:03:43 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> [2:OK]
Feb  5 23:03:43 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: <-- [8:ATS7=60\r]
Feb  5 23:03:43 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> [2:OK]
Feb  5 23:03:43 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: <-- [12:AT+FCLASS=?\r]
Feb  5 23:03:43 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> [11:0,1,2,2.0,8]
Feb  5 23:03:43 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> [2:OK]
Feb  5 23:03:43 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports "Data"
Feb  5 23:03:43 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports "Class 1"
Feb  5 23:03:43 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports "Class 2"
Feb  5 23:03:43 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports "Class 2.0"
Feb  5 23:03:43 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports "Voice"
Feb  5 23:03:43 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: <-- [12:AT+FCLASS=1\r]
Feb  5 23:03:43 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> [2:OK]
Feb  5 23:03:43 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: <-- [5:ATI3\r]
Feb  5 23:03:44 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> [16:V20040309-K56_DS]
Feb  5 23:03:44 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> [2:OK]
Feb  5 23:03:44 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM: Mfr V20040309-K56_DS
Feb  5 23:03:44 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: <-- [5:ATI0\r]
Feb  5 23:03:44 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> [20:Digi RAS modem 56000]
Feb  5 23:03:44 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> [2:OK]
Feb  5 23:03:44 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM: Model Digi RAS modem 56000
Feb  5 23:03:44 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: <-- [9:AT+FTM=?\r]
Feb  5 23:03:44 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> [41:3,24,48,72,73,74,96,97,98,121,122,145,146]
Feb  5 23:03:44 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> [2:OK]
Feb  5 23:03:44 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports 3.85 line/mm
Feb  5 23:03:44 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports 7.7 line/mm
Feb  5 23:03:44 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports 15.4 line/mm
Feb  5 23:03:44 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports R16 x 15.4 line/mm
Feb  5 23:03:44 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports 200 x 100 dpi
Feb  5 23:03:44 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports 200 x 200 dpi
Feb  5 23:03:44 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports 200 x 400 dpi
Feb  5 23:03:44 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports 300 x 300 dpi
Feb  5 23:03:44 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports 2400 bit/s
Feb  5 23:03:44 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports 4800 bit/s
Feb  5 23:03:44 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports 7200 bit/s
Feb  5 23:03:44 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports 9600 bit/s
Feb  5 23:03:44 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports 12000 bit/s
Feb  5 23:03:44 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports 14400 bit/s
Feb  5 23:03:44 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports A4 page width (215 mm)
Feb  5 23:03:44 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports B4 page width (255 mm)
Feb  5 23:03:44 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports A3 page width (303 mm)
Feb  5 23:03:44 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports A4 page length (297 mm)
Feb  5 23:03:44 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports B4 page length (364 mm)
Feb  5 23:03:44 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports unlimited page length
Feb  5 23:03:44 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports 1-D MH
Feb  5 23:03:44 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports 2-D MR
Feb  5 23:03:44 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports 2-D MMR
Feb  5 23:03:44 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports no ECM
Feb  5 23:03:44 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports T.30 Annex A, 64-byte ECM
Feb  5 23:03:44 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports T.30 Annex A, 256-byte ECM
Feb  5 23:03:44 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports 0 ms/scanline
Feb  5 23:03:44 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports 5 ms/scanline
Feb  5 23:03:44 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports 10 ms, 5 ms/scanline
Feb  5 23:03:44 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports 10 ms/scanline
Feb  5 23:03:44 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports 20 ms, 10 ms/scanline
Feb  5 23:03:44 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports 20 ms/scanline
Feb  5 23:03:44 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports 40 ms, 20 ms/scanline
Feb  5 23:03:44 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports 40 ms/scanline
Feb  5 23:03:44 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: <-- [9:AT+FRM=?\r]
Feb  5 23:03:44 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> [41:3,24,48,72,73,74,96,97,98,121,122,145,146]
Feb  5 23:03:44 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> [2:OK]
Feb  5 23:03:44 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM V20040309-K56_DS Digi RAS modem 56000/
Feb  5 23:03:44 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: <-- [5:ATM0\r]
Feb  5 23:03:45 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> [2:OK]
Feb  5 23:03:45 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: STATE CHANGE: RECEIVING -> RUNNING (timeout 30)
Feb  5 23:03:45 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM input buffering disabled
Feb  5 23:03:45 localhost FaxQueuer[9730]: FIFO RECV "+ttyG0:RPcaf9c77f:ff"
Feb  5 23:03:45 localhost FaxQueuer[9730]: MODEM ttyG0: READY, capabilities Pcaf9c77f:ff
Feb  5 23:03:48 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: STATE CHANGE: RUNNING -> LISTENING
Feb  5 23:03:48 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> [4:RING]
Feb  5 23:03:48 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: <-- [10:AT#CID=10\r]
Feb  5 23:03:48 localhost FaxQueuer[9730]: FIFO RECV "+ttyG0:B"
Feb  5 23:03:48 localhost FaxQueuer[9730]: MODEM ttyG0: BUSY
Feb  5 23:03:48 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> [2:OK]
Feb  5 23:03:48 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: STATE CHANGE: LISTENING -> ANSWERING
Feb  5 23:03:48 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: Apply CanonicalNumber rules to "+1.999.555.1212"
Feb  5 23:03:48 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> match rule "[^+0-9]+", result now "+1999.555.1212"
Feb  5 23:03:48 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> match rule "[^+0-9]+", result now "+1999555.1212"
Feb  5 23:03:48 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> match rule "[^+0-9]+", result now "+19995551212"
Feb  5 23:03:48 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> return result "+19995551212"
Feb  5 23:03:48 localhost FaxQueuer[9730]: FIFO RECV "+ttyG0:I000000047"
Feb  5 23:03:48 localhost FaxQueuer[9730]: MODEM ttyG0: COMID 000000047
Feb  5 23:03:51 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: ANSWER: Ring detected without successful handshake
Feb  5 23:03:51 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: <-- [5:ATH0\r]
Feb  5 23:03:51 localhost FaxQueuer[9730]: FIFO RECV "+ttyG0:I"
Feb  5 23:03:51 localhost FaxQueuer[9730]: MODEM ttyG0: COMID
Feb  5 23:03:51 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> [2:OK]
Feb  5 23:03:51 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM set DTR OFF
Feb  5 23:03:52 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM set DTR OFF
Feb  5 23:03:52 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: DELAY 75 ms
Feb  5 23:03:52 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM set DTR ON
Feb  5 23:03:52 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: DELAY 2600 ms
Feb  5 23:03:56 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM set baud rate: 19200 baud, input flow RTS/CTS, output flow RTS/CTS
Feb  5 23:03:56 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: DELAY 10 ms
Feb  5 23:03:56 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM flush i/o
Feb  5 23:03:56 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: <-- [4:ATZ\r]
Feb  5 23:03:58 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> [2:OK]
Feb  5 23:03:58 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: DELAY 3000 ms
Feb  5 23:04:01 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM flush i/o
Feb  5 23:04:01 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: <-- [10:AT#CID=10\r]
Feb  5 23:04:01 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> [9:AT#CID=10]
Feb  5 23:04:01 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> [2:OK]
Feb  5 23:04:01 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: <-- [7:ATS0=0\r]
Feb  5 23:04:02 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> [6:ATS0=0]
Feb  5 23:04:02 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> [2:OK]
Feb  5 23:04:02 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: <-- [5:ATE0\r]
Feb  5 23:04:02 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> [4:ATE0]
Feb  5 23:04:02 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> [2:OK]
Feb  5 23:04:02 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: <-- [5:ATV1\r]
Feb  5 23:04:02 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> [2:OK]
Feb  5 23:04:02 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: <-- [5:ATQ0\r]
Feb  5 23:04:02 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> [2:OK]
Feb  5 23:04:02 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: <-- [7:ATS8=2\r]
Feb  5 23:04:02 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> [2:OK]
Feb  5 23:04:02 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: <-- [8:ATS7=60\r]
Feb  5 23:04:02 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> [2:OK]
Feb  5 23:04:02 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: <-- [12:AT+FCLASS=?\r]
Feb  5 23:04:03 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> [11:0,1,2,2.0,8]
Feb  5 23:04:03 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> [2:OK]
Feb  5 23:04:03 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports "Data"
Feb  5 23:04:03 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports "Class 1"
Feb  5 23:04:03 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports "Class 2"
Feb  5 23:04:03 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports "Class 2.0"
Feb  5 23:04:03 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports "Voice"
Feb  5 23:04:03 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: <-- [12:AT+FCLASS=1\r]
Feb  5 23:04:03 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> [2:OK]
Feb  5 23:04:03 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: <-- [5:ATI3\r]
Feb  5 23:04:03 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> [16:V20040309-K56_DS]
Feb  5 23:04:03 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> [2:OK]
Feb  5 23:04:03 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM: Mfr V20040309-K56_DS
Feb  5 23:04:03 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: <-- [5:ATI0\r]
Feb  5 23:04:03 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> [20:Digi RAS modem 56000]
Feb  5 23:04:03 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> [2:OK]
Feb  5 23:04:03 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM: Model Digi RAS modem 56000
Feb  5 23:04:03 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: <-- [9:AT+FTM=?\r]
Feb  5 23:04:03 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> [41:3,24,48,72,73,74,96,97,98,121,122,145,146]
Feb  5 23:04:03 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> [2:OK]
Feb  5 23:04:03 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports 3.85 line/mm
Feb  5 23:04:03 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports 7.7 line/mm
Feb  5 23:04:03 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports 15.4 line/mm
Feb  5 23:04:03 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports R16 x 15.4 line/mm
Feb  5 23:04:03 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports 200 x 100 dpi
Feb  5 23:04:03 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports 200 x 200 dpi
Feb  5 23:04:03 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports 200 x 400 dpi
Feb  5 23:04:03 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports 300 x 300 dpi
Feb  5 23:04:03 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports 2400 bit/s
Feb  5 23:04:03 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports 4800 bit/s
Feb  5 23:04:03 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports 7200 bit/s
Feb  5 23:04:03 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports 9600 bit/s
Feb  5 23:04:03 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports 12000 bit/s
Feb  5 23:04:03 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports 14400 bit/s
Feb  5 23:04:03 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports A4 page width (215 mm)
Feb  5 23:04:03 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports B4 page width (255 mm)
Feb  5 23:04:03 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports A3 page width (303 mm)
Feb  5 23:04:03 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports A4 page length (297 mm)
Feb  5 23:04:03 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports B4 page length (364 mm)
Feb  5 23:04:03 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports unlimited page length
Feb  5 23:04:03 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports 1-D MH
Feb  5 23:04:03 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports 2-D MR
Feb  5 23:04:03 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports 2-D MMR
Feb  5 23:04:03 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports no ECM
Feb  5 23:04:03 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports T.30 Annex A, 64-byte ECM
Feb  5 23:04:03 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports T.30 Annex A, 256-byte ECM
Feb  5 23:04:03 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports 0 ms/scanline
Feb  5 23:04:03 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports 5 ms/scanline
Feb  5 23:04:03 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports 10 ms, 5 ms/scanline
Feb  5 23:04:03 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports 10 ms/scanline
Feb  5 23:04:03 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports 20 ms, 10 ms/scanline
Feb  5 23:04:03 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports 20 ms/scanline
Feb  5 23:04:03 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports 40 ms, 20 ms/scanline
Feb  5 23:04:03 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM Supports 40 ms/scanline
Feb  5 23:04:03 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: <-- [9:AT+FRM=?\r]
Feb  5 23:04:03 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> [41:3,24,48,72,73,74,96,97,98,121,122,145,146]
Feb  5 23:04:03 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> [2:OK]
Feb  5 23:04:03 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: MODEM V20040309-K56_DS Digi RAS modem 56000/
Feb  5 23:04:03 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: <-- [5:ATM0\r]
Feb  5 23:04:04 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: --> [2:OK]
Feb  5 23:04:04 localhost FaxGetty[10573]: STATE CHANGE: ANSWERING -> RUNNING (timeout 30)
Feb  5 23:04:04 localhost FaxQueuer[9730]: FIFO RECV "+ttyG0:RPcaf9c77f:ff"
Feb  5 23:04:04 localhost FaxQueuer[9730]: MODEM ttyG0: READY, capabilities Pcaf9c77f:ff

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