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[hylafax-users] [RESOLVED] Re: Repairing partially received faxes

Got this working, using Lee's suggested libtiff build and the following code in my faxrcvd script:

function convert_to_pdf() {
        local INFILE="$1"; shift
        local OUTFILE="$1"; shift

        if tiff2pdf -o "$OUTFILE" "$INFILE" "$@" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
                exit 0

local NUMPAGES=$(tiffinfo "$INFILE" | grep '^TIFF Directory' | wc -l)
if [ "$NUMPAGES" -le 1 ] ; then
exit 1

local TEMPFILE="$(mktemp -t fixtiff.XXXXXX)"

tiffcp \
"${INFILE},$(seq 0 $(( $NUMPAGES - 2 )) | tr '[[:space:]]' ',' | sed -re 's/,$//')" \
tiff2pdf -o "$OUTFILE" "$TEMPFILE" "$@"
rm -f "$TEMPFILE"

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