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Re: [hylafax-users] Document conversion failed

Lee Howard wrote:

With MaxBatchJobs: 2 the command completes in 25:47. That's a little less than 26 minutes... on my more than antiquated poorly-endowed dev system.

With MaxBatchJobs: 1 (which is probably where it would be set for a 10,000 job broadcast anyway) the command completes in 17:07. That's roughly 10 jobs per second. Watching CPU usage of the faxq process during that time shows it usually around 10-20% CPU... although there are very brief peaks above that.
For the sake of the benchmark comparison, please provide the results of the same test with HylaFAX+, HylaFAX-4.3.5, and HylaFAX-4.4.1. I'd be very interested to see the numbers for 100,000 jobs also.


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