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[hylafax-users] Hylafax Not Utilizing All of X-Fax-* Metaheaders

When I submit a fax using sendmail to the hylafax fax to e-mail gateway, I typically construct my e-mail like this:

   To: joe@xxxxxxxxxxx (Joe Schmo)
   X-Fax-To: Joe Schmo
   X-Fax-From: Me

Hylafax will utilize the sender information from the "X-Fax-From" header in the cover page.

However, insteading of pulling the recipient's name from the "X-Fax-To" header or retrieving it from the comment as indicated by parentheses, it just puts
whatever is the the left of the @ sign in the "To:" header.

I have tried putting "Joe Schmo@xxxxxxxxxxx" in quotation marks and it will put JoeSchmo. For some reason, it strips out the space between Joe and Schmo.

Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.


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