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Re: [hylafax-users] Ring detect error for some fax no but not for all

Hi Gunjan,


Please tell us something about your setup;


HylaFAX version

Modem Make/Model

Telephone Setup


Please also set ServerTracing and SessionTracing to 0xFFF and post the resulting logs for a ‘failed’ call.





Mainpine Limited - Support

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andrew.rinaldi@xxxxxxxxxxxx | www.mainpine.com


From: hylafax-users-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:hylafax-users-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Gunjan Gupta
Sent: 17 May 2007 09:22
To: hylafax-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [hylafax-users] Ring detect error for some fax no but not for all





I am having some queries  as follows:


When I am trying to send fax to certain fax nos , for some it goes success and for some fax no it says no carrier detected.


Plz suggest what can be the reason for that…










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