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Re: [hylafax-users] postfix / hylafax problems !!

in fact it's the same host , I have a DNS server here this is my zone file, I use all servers in the same machine, I uses those names in case I have the posibility to use several machines

$ttl 3D   
@    IN    SOA    ns1.atfp.voip. root.sipx.atfp.voip. (
            3600 )

                   NS     ns1.atfp.voip.   ; Inet Address of nameserver

localhost       A

;sipX Servers for SIP domain 'atfp.voip'
sipx.atfp.voip. IN      A

atfp.voip.              IN      NAPTR   2 0 "s" "SIP+D2T" "" _sip._tcp.atfp.voip.
atfp.voip.              IN      NAPTR   2 0 "s" "SIP+D2U" "" _sip._udp.atfp.voip.

_sip._tcp.atfp.voip.    IN      SRV     1 0 5060 sipx.atfp.voip.
_sip._udp.atfp.voip.    IN      SRV     1 0 5060 sipx.atfp.voip.


ns1              CNAME  sipx

;fax     IN   A
sms     IN   A

mail            A
                MX      10 mail

ldap   IN        A

IMAPS                    CNAME   mail
SMTPS                     CNAME   mail

atfp.voip.                       NAPTR   0 0 "s" "SMTPS+D2T"     "" _smtps._tls.atfp.voip.
atfp.voip.                       NAPTR   0 0 "s" "IMAPS+D2T"     "" _imaps._tls.atfp.voip.

_imaps._tls.atfp.voip.  IN      SRV     1 0 993 IMAPS
_smtps._tls.atfp.voip.  IN      SRV     1 0 465 SMTPS

but I tried what you said ! still have the same problem !!!

even when I use localhost in stand of fax.atfp.voip !!
yes I used # postmap transport !!
thank you again for help
2007/5/7, George H <george.dma@xxxxxxxxx>:
On 5/7/07, Darrick Hartman <dhartman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Yassine AYARI wrote:
> >
> > thank you for reply
> > nothing is done, even when I puted the empty line :(
> >
> > here is a listing of my /etc/postfix/transport
> >
> > fax.atfp.voip fax:localhost
> Did you issue postmap on the transport file to create the transport.db file?

yeah, did you run  # postmap /etc/postfix/transport
command ?

Also I notice in your main.cf file you have  "myhostname =
smtps.atfp.voip"  while in transport you have "fax.atfp.voip".  In my
experiance I have it working as a sub-domain of the hostname declared
in my main.cf file.

If you have "myhostname = smtps.atfp.voip"  try putting in transport
"fax.smtps.atfp.voip" .. after that run the postmap command and
restart postfix. It sounds a bit odd but I'm not a big postfix master
but this could help debug it more.

"Nothing is impossible for the person that doesn't have to do it"
"The probability of anything happening is in inverse ratio to its desirability"
"If I were a roman statue, I'd be made alabastard"
George H

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Élève Ingénieur informaticien / Microsoft® Certified Professional / Cisco Certified Network Associate

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