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Re: [hylafax-users] sending outbound faxes to an email account.

the following command send an email notifying that the fax was sent.

sendfax -D -f sentfaxes -n -h ttyS1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx -d 088,,3904336 /tmp/faxfile

but this is not quite what i want. english is not my 1st language, so i'll try to explain my situation more clearly :)

what i want to do is:

1. send a copy of every successfully sent fax to an email address. This must be done at server level (in order to prevent users from changing the email address. The user may or may not specified their email address). users may be sending faxes from windows client using a fax client (WinHylaFAX).

2. then, i will implement a procmail recipe to get the .tif or .ps or pdf file from the email, then place it in a read only samba shared. (i am already doing something similar with all incoming faxes-- that one was really easy, just use the faxrecieved ;-) . ) I do not want to touch the queues content directly, thus this way i can do that. :D

thanks again for all your help


Lee Howard wrote:
Pitti, Raul wrote:

i want to send a copy of all the sent faxes to an email account (i.e. sentfaxuser) so i can do all the procmail and script magic accordingly.
i have tried to use the FaxNotify file, but without luck.

When you submit the fax make sure that you specify the sendfaxuser e-mail and the 'when done' notification request. With sendfax these are the -D and -f options like this:

sendfax -D -f sentfaxuser -d <number> <file>


-- -------------------- Raúl Pittí Palma, Eng.

Global Engineering and Technology S.A.
mobile (507)-6616-0194
office (507)-390-4338
Republic of Panama

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