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Re: [hylafax-users] Client for windows support superfine mode

Michael Stowe wrote:

There's a superfine quality mode?

Yes. Superfine is R8 x 15.4 l/mm (roughly 200 x 400 dpi). There is also "ultrafine" and "hyperfine". We assign the name "ultrafine" to 300 x 300 dpi and "hyperfine" to R16 x 15.4 l/mm (roughly 400 x 400 dpi).

At any rate, I assume this is mostly a question of getting the JPARM VRES
and possibly HRES settings set properly.  I don't mind adding this to
winprint, but I'm unclear on what you mean by superfine (I don't believe
it's standard) -- and I'm not sure what the fallback position is...

These extended resolutions are a part of the fax standard, yes. The only required resolution support is "Normal" (R8 x 3.5 l/mm, ~200 x 100 dpi).

I would need to go back and look at things, but basically use:


And that should then tell the server that it should use the highest resolution that the receiver is known to support (per the info file).


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