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Re: [hylafax-users] Inexpensive Modem suggestions


I'd like to setup a HylaFAX with multiple modems, between 2 and 4. I'm
looking for an inexpensive internal PCI modem or external USB modem.

I'd think this info would be all over the mailing list or web page, but
I can find it.  Mostly people talk about Multitech Multimodems, but
those are fairly expensive, and not sold at my general store.

I'm going to be using this HylaFAX for inbound faxes only.

As I understand from reading the archives, you can only have a single
Linmodem per machine.  Is this correct?

Any suggestions, ideas, help would be greatly appreciated

Thank you,

If you aren't tied to internal modems, I would suggest the Best Data
V.92 External 56K modem. It has the Rockwell chip set and works
great with Hylafax. I have 2 and use them as Class 1 on one server and they have never given me any troubles.

The advantage of external modems is that if something happens like
wedging you just power cycle the modem instead of the server.

Also, if you are trying to keep a 24x7 fax environment going and you
need to take a server down for hardware repair or installation, it's
a lot easier to move external modems to another server!

Computer Geeks.Com is selling used versions of this modem for $12.50 right now. I just bought 4 more and I'm waiting for delivery.

Here is a link the page:


I'm not concerned about them being used. My oldest Best Data
has been chugging along for 6+ years now without a hiccup.

Hope this helps,


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