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Re: [hylafax-users] Owner in xferfaxlog

Klaus Rörig wrote:

Then the "owner" field in xferfaxlog should not be blank ... provided
that you're using 4.2.0 or newer.

That's what I thought, too. Yes, I'm using 4.2.3 on SuSE 9.3 with capi4linux.

I installed Hylafax 4.2.5on another Server which runs Gentoo 2006.0 an the
"owner" field is bank, too.

From 'man xferfaxlog' ...

Each record of a facsimile transmission is of the form:
date SEND commid modem jobid jobtag sender ‘‘dest-number’’ ‘‘CSI’’ params #pages jobtime conntime ‘‘reason’’ <null> <null> ‘‘owner’’ ‘‘dcs’’

So you're certain that the second-to-last field is simply "" ?

If so then something would seem wrong with your HylaFAX installation. I just double-checked my installation ( and it puts owner entries in there just fine.


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