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Re: [hylafax-users] pagesend

May 19 14:23:23 hylafax PageSend[6270]: <-- [5:ATM0\r]
May 19 14:23:24 hylafax PageSend[6270]: --> [2:OK]
May 19 14:23:24 hylafax PageSend[6270]: MODEM set parity: 7 bits, even parity
May 19 14:23:24 hylafax PageSend[6270]: MODEM tcsetattr: Invalid argument
Either your modem or your OS doesn't seem to like setting the parity to 7bits, even parity via tcsetattr in the way that we are.

See 'man hylafax-info' about pagerTTYParity. Try changing the info file entry between "even", "odd", and "none" ... and see if any of those have an effect. If not, then it's probably an OS-specific issue that's going to require some code work to HylaFAX to fix.
I'm wondering if its even reading the info file?
I made a the changes as suggested, but they all come up as "set parity: 7 bits, even parity".
I didn't re-start the server after altering the phone number info. Would that be an issue?
No, you shouldn't need to restart the server.

Are the permissions on the info file incorrect?
[root@melhylafax hylafax]# ls -ld info sendq log doneq etc recvq docq config dev
drwxr-xr-x    2 uucp     uucp         4096 Jan 19 08:34 config
drwxr-xr-x    2 uucp     uucp         4096 Jan  5 14:57 dev
drwxrwxrwx    2 uucp     uucp      2818048 May 23 14:38 docq
drwxrwxrwx    2 uucp     uucp      1683456 May 23 14:38 doneq
drwxr-xr-x    4 uucp     uucp         4096 May 23 14:10 etc
drwxr-xr-x    2 uucp     uucp       753664 May 23 14:18 info
drwxr-xr-x    2 uucp     uucp      2437120 May 23 14:38 log
drwxr-xr-x    2 uucp     uucp        77824 May 23 14:35 recvq
drwx------    2 uucp     uucp         8192 May 23 14:38 sendq

[root@melhylafax hylafax]# ls -lt info/613XXX20 -rw-r--r-- 1 uucp uucp 68 May 23 14:57 info/613XXX20

If all else fails you could just try disabling the code that does this (which is the only code difference between a faxsend and a pagesend initialization. In this code (faxd/pageSendApp.c++) :

* Modem and TTY setup
pageSendApp::setupModem(bool isSend)
   return (ModemServer::setupModem(isSend) &&
       setParity((Parity) getConfigParity(pagerTTYParity)));

just remove the "&& setParity(...)" part. See how that goes, then.

changes to pageSendApp.

/*    $Id: pageSendApp.c++,v 1.18 2005/09/27 18:49:41 lhoward Exp $ */
*    return (ModemServer::setupModem() &&
*     setParity((Parity) getConfigParity(pagerTTYParity)));
   return (ModemServer::setupModem()) ;

config file:

SendPageCmd1: /usr/local/sbin/pagesend.custom


210311 039XXX20

sendpage -q -p 210311 "Test Pager msg"


May 23 14:15:59 hylafax PageSend[18952]: MODEM set baud rate: 38400 baud, input flow RTS/CTS, output flow RTS/CTS
May 23 14:15:59 hylafax PageSend[18952]: MODEM tcsetattr: Invalid argument
May 23 14:15:59 hylafax PageSend[18952]: Unable to setup modem on /dev/ttya4; giving up after 10 attempts
May 23 14:15:59 hylafax PageSend[18952]: <-- [5:ATH0\r]
May 23 14:15:59 hylafax PageSend[18952]: --> [2:OK]
May 23 14:15:59 hylafax PageSend[18952]: MODEM set DTR OFF
May 23 14:15:59 hylafax PageSend[18952]: MODEM set baud rate: 0 baud (flow control unchanged)
May 23 14:15:59 hylafax PageSend[18952]: MODEM tcsetattr: Invalid argument


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