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Re: [hylafax-users] Problem LOCKWAIT *SOLVED*

Hello Lee,

the problem is solved. I have to say clearly:
It was house-made by noone else than myself !

Just to let you know...
The solution was, that I have set the ServerTracing in config.modem
but not in config. So this was the reason why I did not get any
detailed logging.

After I had turned it on (doing exactly as you told me) I saw that
sendfax was called propperly and that I had to look at (my patched
version of) sendfax. Doing so, I found out, that there was a simple
wrong path, calling the original sendfax from my shell-script.

I corrected the path and sending faxes works fine, again.

**Thanks alot** for staying cool and moderating me in my cofuson !


Lee Howard schrieb:
> Kilian Schlaich wrote:
> >to get the pid of the concurrent process I wrote the following script,
> >let a user submit a fax-job and started my script.
> >
> >Using ps I found the following processes:
> >11912 is /usr/local/sbin/faxq
> >11893 is /usr/local/sbin/faxgetty cuaa1
> >
> >So faxq is the blocking process, that locks the modem and faxgetty
> >is the the process that raises the LOCKWAIT condition.
> >
> >At the time, the lockfile was created, there happened the following
> >logging in my server-log:
> >Jan 30 12:50:46 faxserver FaxGetty[11893]: LOCKWAIT
> >Jan 30 12:50:46 faxserver FaxGetty[11893]: STATE CHANGE: RUNNING ->
> >LOCKWAIT (time
> >out 30)
> >Jan 30 12:50:46 faxserver FaxGetty[11893]: LOCKWAIT
> >Jan 30 12:50:46 faxserver last message repeated 67 times
> >
> >Letting my script run for longer, there were no other pids, just
> >more times the same 2 processes.
> >
> >
> In /var/spool/hylafax/etc/config change ServerTracing to something like
> 0xFFF, restart all HylaFAX (faxq and faxgetty especially) and then
> repeat and tell me what the FaxQueuer logs say in /var/log/messages (or
> wherever syslog goes).
> >Can you please tell me, what to do with this information ?
> >Why could I send (and receive) faxes before and (more important)
> >why can't I now ?
> >
> I don't know what changed between before and now.  But this is the
> process to determine the problem and a fix.
> Lee.

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