to get the pid of the concurrent process I wrote the following script,
let a user submit a fax-job and started my script.
Using ps I found the following processes:
11912 is /usr/local/sbin/faxq
11893 is /usr/local/sbin/faxgetty cuaa1
So faxq is the blocking process, that locks the modem and faxgetty
is the the process that raises the LOCKWAIT condition.
At the time, the lockfile was created, there happened the following
logging in my server-log:
Jan 30 12:50:46 faxserver FaxGetty[11893]: LOCKWAIT
Jan 30 12:50:46 faxserver FaxGetty[11893]: STATE CHANGE: RUNNING ->
out 30)
Jan 30 12:50:46 faxserver FaxGetty[11893]: LOCKWAIT
Jan 30 12:50:46 faxserver last message repeated 67 times
Letting my script run for longer, there were no other pids, just
more times the same 2 processes.