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Re: [hylafax-users] No connection from client-pc

* Hubertus Hiden <hubertus@xxxxxxxxx> [040301 10:59]:
> Aidan Van Dyk schrieb:
> >* Hubertus Hiden <hubertus@xxxxxxxxx> [040301 10:29]:

> >>But telnetting from any other machine (win2k with ip 192.168.0.x) or 
> >>using cypheus tells me that the host refused the connection.
> >>hosts.hfaxd IS in use since removing disables local connection.

> >"Connection refused" means taht hfaxd never even get's a chance to
> >authenticate the user - the connection has been blocked before it get's
> >to hfaxd.
> >
> >firewall or inetd/xinetd configuration?

> so IMHO hfaxd is running and should accept connections - what definitly 
> happens locally but not from a client

What do you see from
	telnet $SERVER 4559

If that get's "connection refused" or some sort of message, then hfaxd
is not getting a chance to accept the connection.  If you get a HylaFAX
banner (200 server version ready), then you have to look at
etc/hosts.hfaxd.  If not, you have to look at any network/firewall that
could be preventing the connection.


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