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[hylafax-users] Commands in FaxDispatch

I read the man page on faxrcvd and in it they state you can enter some commands like this into your /var/spool/hylafax/etc/FaxDispatch file:
case "$SENDER" in
       *1*510*526*1212*) SENDTO=sam;;          # Sam's test rig in Berkeley
       *1*415*390*1212*) SENDTO=raster@asd;;   # 7L Xerox room, used for scannin
       *5107811212)      SENDTO=peebles@mti;;  # stuff from home
       case "$DEVICE" in
       ttyS1)            SENDTO=john;;         # all faxes received on ttyS1
       ttyLT0)           SENDTO=mary@home;;    # all faxes received on ttyLT0
       case "$CIDNUMBER" in
       435*)        SENDTO=lee; FILETYPE=pdf;; # all faxes from area code 435
       5059627777)  SENDTO=amy; FILETYPE=tif;; # Amy wants faxes in TIFF
       case "$SUBADDR" in
Is that all there is to it? I will try this once I get to my office but this seems too simple. My existing FaxDispatch file has the following lines in it:
/usr/local/bin/tiff2ps -a $FILE | lpr
Will adding this new code to the file override or have a negative effect on this lines too?

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