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Re: [hylafax-users] (no subject)

Hi all,

I just installed hylafax yesterday and have a working outgoing fax
service today.  

I have a couple of questions.

First I have a distinctive ring feature for my incoming faxes, how easy
is it to set that up on hylagfax.

Second, I just so happen to have had mgetty+sendfax installed on the
system I installed hylafax on.  I noticed some messages in faxsetup that
required links to the agetty,vgetty  binaries in /bin/ which I actually
had in sbin.  My question is if I didn't have mgetty+sendfax installed
already would I have had to install the v/a/getty binaries myself or do
they come with hylafax?

On Wed, 2003-06-18 at 22:32, Billy McCord wrote:
> I installed RH 9 today, along with HylaFax (latest RPM version), and
> now have in and out bound faxing working, sent test faxes in and out.
> I encountered two what seem to be simple but nagging problems.
> Problem 1:
> I can't get to the FTP links, (even on the local machine) though I can
> browse to the directory where the faxes are dumpled and view them 
> there, I cant use any broswer on the HylaFax machine to browse to the
> FTP site, that is linked in the email. 
> I guess I have some sort of permission probem, but geez I was doing 
> this as root? Please someone tell me what I am doing wrong?
> Problem 2:
> I have the "pdf" option picked in the FaxDispatch file, but though the
> tiff files in the directory are fine, the pdf file is always 0 bytes?
> I 
> don't even have a clue where to start with this one.
> Sorry if these are covered in the FAQ, but I just didn't see anything 
> that partained to my problems.
> Thanks,
> Billy 
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