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Re: [hylafax-users] Modem recommendation

On 2002.10.08 13:26 Michael T. Babcock wrote:
> We are having some levels of difficulty with certain users on our 
> Multitech MT2384BA and MT5600BL modems; in about 1/15 faxes, we one 
> of:
> "Modem protocol error (unknown post-page response)"
> "No answer (T.30 T1 timeout)"
> "No response to EOP repeated 3 times"
> "No response to MPS or EOP repeated 3 tries"
> "RSPREC error/got DCN"
> "RSPREC error/got DCN; Giving up after 3 attempts to send same page"
> "RSPREC error/got DCN; too many attempts to dial"

Firstly, you *shouldn't* be having this error rate with *any* modem.  
Something's critically wrong.  As it is a particularly interesting 
error, would you post the log that relates with "Modem protocol error 
(unknown post-page response)" ?  Maybe it will give us a clue.

> I was wondering if anyone has a recommendation of either (a) a modem 
> to recommend that is _solid_ and _works_ with HylaFax for over 107 
> different fax destinations or (b) a definate fix to some/all of these 
> types of errors.

I know it's not what you want to hear, but I use MultiTech 
MT5634ZBA-V92 and MT5634ZPX-PCI modems on most of my production servers 
which send to a total of a couple of thousand uniqe destinations with 
no problems.  I have much more grief with my USRs and Zyxels.  I use 
Class 1 exclusively with nearly all of my installations.  The Class 1 
firmware (if available) on the MT2384BA and MT5600BL should be very 
comparable to what is on the MT5634s, so your errors are quite 

> PS, I'm un-flashing one of my MT2384BA modems to which I'd applied to 
> 'fghang fix' because it is currently causing me more errors (on 
> average) than the other (identical, non-flashed) modem.

I suspect that you're using Class 2.  Have you tried Class 1 ?


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