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[hylafax-users] Cypheus crashes on Windows 98 machines

Hi all,

I am using Cypheus 2.48 on Windows 98, 2nd Edition and HylaFAX 4.1.3 on
SuSE Linux 8.0. But I cannot get Cypheus to run properly. Several times
a day Cypheus crashes with these two error messages:

CYPHEUS verursachte einen Fehler durch eine ungültige Seite
in Modul KERNEL32.DLL bei 017f:bff7b9d2.
EAX=007b02c8 CS=017f EIP=bff7b9d2 EFLGS=00010206
EBX=008aff68 SS=0187 ESP=007b0000 EBP=007b0000
ECX=00000000 DS=0187 ESI=00000001 FS=371f
EDX=c00308b4 ES=0187 EDI=8182d624 GS=0000
Bytes bei CS:EIP:
6a ff 68 50 92 f7 bf 68 b4 05 fc bf 50 8b 45 08 
007b02d8 bff7ce23 6ba382a0 00000001 35088b2e 6ba382a0 007b0300 35087bd6
6ba382a0 818308bc bff9dbc8 007b0300 bff79138 00000000 008aff68 00000000 


CYPHEUS verursachte einen Fehler durch eine ungültige Seite
in Modul STATUSBARX5.OCX bei 017f:6ba382bf.
EAX=007b0380 CS=017f EIP=6ba382bf EFLGS=00010216
EBX=ffffffff SS=0187 ESP=007affe4 EBP=007b00d0
ECX=6ba382a0 DS=0187 ESI=007b03f8 FS=371f
EDX=00000001 ES=0187 EDI=8182d624 GS=0000
Bytes bei CS:EIP:
53 56 57 89 65 f8 c7 45 fc 30 a8 93 6b 33 c0 33 

The only way to go on using Cypheus is to restart Windows. 

I tried Cypheus on several Windows 98 machines getting the same result.
I also tried several Cypheus beta versions and HylaFAX 4.1.2. Also the
same result.

Is there any help available?
Thanks in advance!

Michael Motzkus

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