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Re: [hylafax-users] Doc and xls attatchment

Am Fre, 2002-09-06 um 17.31 schrieb Sunil William Savkar:
> If you want to fax out word, xcel or other proprietary formatted
> documents, you either need to set up some sort of plugin on the
> faxsend/sendfax/hylafax side for the conversion or you will need to do one
> of the following:
> (i)  find a conversion script that will work for the file type you are
> interested in (for word, you can use antiword but it strips out most of
> the useful formatting);
Seems to work reasonably well :)
> (ii) use a samba interface with a generic postscript driver on your win32
> machines (see the howto for more information on samba interfaces); or
Well, it's usually easier to setup a lpr printer script and let samba
believe that it deals with a normal printer :)
> (iii)  use a generic postscript driver on your win32 machines to write to
> files, and then email the postscript files to your gateway.
Bothersome. But it works always :)
> Out of the three options listed above, obviously the quickest and dirtiest
> approach is (iii).  (ii) is what I have been struggling to setup.  (i) is
What's your problem with (ii)?
> probably not going to be possible unless you can buy a commercial
> conversion script or something of the sort.
Again, see http://www.wvWare.com/. My not perfectly compiled version
seems to work better than OpenOffice :)


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