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Re: [hylafax-users] Setting up faxgetty after originally in send only mode?

> Take a look at http://www.hylafax.org/setup.php#Inbound
> you need to get faxgetty to load for the inbound service.
> If your can send faxes then the configuration should be sufficient. Run
> Faxgetty for each modem as is shown in the example and you should be
> able to receive faxes.
> This is an example from my inittab file
> t2:23:respawn:/usr/local/sbin/faxgetty term/b
> t3:23:respawn:/usr/local/sbin/faxgetty term/a


Thanks, actually I realized the problem.  I had put in the lines in
inittab, but this was not initally working.  The problem is that I had it
set up for init level 2 and 3 like yours, but I am running init level

Perhaps a statement should be put into the hylafax how-to pages to ensure
that people understand that "23" really does mean level 2 and 3, and that
if you are running X11 or something else, you need to make sure the right
init level is set, followed by a telinit q to restart things.

Very funny.  Now it is working perfectly.

Best regards.


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