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Re: [hylafax-users] Most recommend modem?

On 2002.07.08 17:14 Erick Thompson wrote:

> I can't speak for the external model, but I picked up a MultiTech
> internal
> ISA modem on ebay for $25. Someone in Tennessee is unloading a bunch of
> them[1]. I'm assuming that the ISA and PCI models are similar enough not
> to
> make a difference.

The old ISA models are not technologically similar to the new -V92 
series.  They do faxing, and they do it well, but they do not usually have 
Class 2.1, MMR, JBIG, or RTFCC support... which puts it on par with just 
about every other modem out there - except that MultiTech supports their 
products better than most.


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