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Re: [hylafax-users] How do I print successfully sent faxes?

In the HylaFAX HOW-TO at http://www.hylafax.org/howto/tweaking.php#ss6.8

        To automatically print incoming faxes to lpr, insert a line of code similar to

           /usr/bin/tiff2ps -a $FILE | lpr
        into your faxrcvd script, assuming that your printer is PostScript compatible. 
        Dieter Kluenter dkluenter@gmx.de has added at line 112 of faxrcvd these lines for his printing: 

        if [ -n "$SENDTO" ]; then
                echo ""
                echo "The facsimile was automatically dispatched to: $SENDTO."
                $TIFFBIN/fax2ps $1 | lpr -Plp    

Ben Williams                                  Thursday, March 14, 2002

On Thursday, March 14, 2002 sometime around 4:09:08 AM Frederik quoth:
> Hi.

> I would like to print every sucessfully sent fax automatically.  How do I do that?

> Regards,

> Frederik Brøns


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