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Re: [hylafax-users] -k Problems

On 2002.03.14 14:42 Karl Denninger wrote:
> This has been broken for a LONG time; I reported this as a problem more
> than
> two years ago and I am not surprised if it is STILL broken, as I don't
> recall anything in release notes indicating that it has been found and
> fixed.

Huh?  -k works just fine for me when we do batch faxes.

killtime must be in "at" format, so the default is "now + 3 hours".  So, 
the sendfax command I use for bulk/batch faxing is:

sendfax -l -D -n -P bulk -a "10:00" -k "19:00" -d some_number some_doc.ps

We send out about 500 faxes on three modems, and they all finish before 

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