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[hylafax-users] compression questions

Title: compression questions


It is my understanding, and it may be incorrect, that most faxmodems only have 1D-MH capability and do not have 2D-MR?  Is this correct?  We are using USR Courier v.everything modems and they do not do 2D-MR.

Does anyone have any make and model numbers of modems that will do 2D-MR?

As our fax hardware is a 700Mhz pentium machine, does it even make sense to try to source a modem with 2D-MR?  Or should we just run all our modems class 1 and get 2D-MR by way of HylaFAX implementing the T.4 protocol instead of the modem firmware.

We send about 1000 FAXs a day with a 16 modem pool.

Does anyone have a config file for class 1 operation for the USR Courier v.everything modems?


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