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Re: [hylafax-users] setting delay between jobs?

At 01:47 PM 10/24/01 -0400, Bob Billson wrote:
>Hi all...  I'm stuck.  I have search through the man pages and tried
>searching Hylafax's web site with no luck.
>I'm looking for a config setting of how long to pause between *new* outgoing
>jobs?  I see there is setting for retries but this is *not* what I'm looking
>for!  When I have a group of outgoing faxes occasionally a person answers
>and confuses the modem.  Hylafax gives up and immediately moves on to the
>next job.  Problem is the phone line hasn't reset yet, so Hylafax errors
>because the dial tone isn't back yet.  I need a way to force Hylafax to
>wait a few seconds.

You can always put a pause or wait in the dialstring...


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