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Re: [hylafax-users] Problem with multiple modem configuration

At 04:53 PM 5/17/01 -0400, Jay R. Ashworth wrote:
>> it will not help at all in the case of
>> "Blocked by concurrent job" unles you increment the MaxConcurrentJobs in
>> your DestControls file.
>Which might only be useful if you knew you were sending faxes to a
>fax-bank at the other end, right?  Is that usable from DestControls
>now?  I'd thought it wasn't...

That is correct, only if the remote has a "hunting" feature or fax-bank on
the other side.  Generally speaking, MaxConcurrentJobs is useless.
However, it can be set in the config files or in the DestControls file, but
it's a very silly thing to put into the config file unless *all* of your
destinations for the modem/system are this way.  I don't use it, but it
appears to be functional from DestControls per the man page:

 The following parameters may be specified on a  per-desti­
 nation basis; consult config(5F) for a description of each
 parameter (except RejectNotice which is described  below).
 Tag                  Type       Default      Description
 MaxConcurrentJobs    integer    1            max concurrent jobs to
process for a destination
 MaxDials             integer    unlimited    max phone calls to make to
transmit a job
 MaxSendPages         integer    unlimited    max pages to permit in a send
 MaxTries             integer    3            max attempts to transmit a job
 RejectNotice         string     -            rejection notice for transmit
 TimeOfDay            string     Any          default time-of-day restrictions


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