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Re: [hylafax-users] Multimodem
At 08:57 PM 4/4/01 -0400, Jay R. Ashworth wrote:
>On Wed, Apr 04, 2001 at 06:35:50PM -0600, Mariana Presuel wrote:
>> bash-2.03# faxstat -d
>> HylaFAX scheduler on linux.local: Running
>> Modem ttyQ1a1 (+52.9.8816071): Running and idle
>> JID Pri S Owner Number Pages Dials TTS Status
>> 1 127 D root 98816090 0:0 0:12 Error: /undefined in to\
>> Les agradezco su ayuda de antemano, GRACIAS.
>It looks to me as if your problem is that the outgoing fax jobs are
>dying in GhostScript, very likely due to a mismatch between the
>PostScript driver and GhostScript itself, or between the faxcover.ps
>file and the coverpg program.
>It occurs to me that I should have pasted the message into Babelfish...
>which I would go do now except that my mouse buttons are broken from
>the orange soda I spilled in the laptop last week. :-{
Yes, it's definately a faxcover problem. Means that something's messed up
in his/your faxcover.ps file. Specifically, the "to" field.
Mariana, are you still using that faxcover.ps file that I made for you? Or
is this a different one? Try your fax without the faxcover by using the
sendfax -n option.
-=-=- now en espanol -=-=-
Sin duda es la culpa de faxcover. Significa que alqo no esta bien con el
fichero faxcover.ps. Especificamente, el techero "to".
Mariana, todavia usas ese fichero faxcover.ps que te hice yo? O es uno
distincto? Pruebalo sin mandar el faxcover por medio de usar la opcion
'-n' de sendfax.
(I think that I just made up the word "techero". ;-)
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