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Hylafax on IRIx and lotus docs.


We have  customer running SGI IRIX version 6.5.x on SGI server Origin 200.He also runs Hylafax on this  server and
quite excited about hylafax..

He now wants tio use the hylafax server running on SGI IRIX to transmit lotus smartsuite documents too and send them pn to a
fax machine.Je wants the lotus smartsuite format to be hanfked by IRIX server and hylafax and do the required conversion
of lotus file to faxable content,rather tahn converting the lotus file into apostcript etc. standard format at client end as that would create a problem
in terms of every lotus snmartsuiteuser is not capable of doing this conversion but only simply sends the docs. to irix server running hylafax.

Is there module available on hylafax or a tool available thayt converst lotus smart suite formats into hylafax understandable /fax printable
formats that automatically does this conversion and runs on a SGI IRIX system?

I am not sure if this is a hylafax question directly,but may be some would have met this requirement thru' some mechanism in hylafax

Plesae help us with information/pointers and inputs.

Thanx in advance and best regards

- durga



Durga A Prasad
                             Voice Mail :+01650-933-2659 x 7215
Technical support manager                      email:durga@newdelhi.sgi.com
Silicon Graphics systems india              Mail Stop : IIN - 3710
A-30 kailash colony                         tele: 91-11-621 1354/1355
New Delhi -110 048                           Fax: 91-11-647 2217
India                                             91-11-6473167
                                             Mobile : +9811159708
                                             Phone Home :+91-11-3782027

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