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Trouble with HylaFax 4.0pl2

I'm running HylaFax 4.0pl2 on my machine using Suse 5.3 (kernel 2.0.35).
When I run faxsetup, the fax setup tool says that it doesn't recognize my
modem.  I have a USR 56K faxmodem model #5687. I am able to connect via
PPP with the modem using minicom and kermit (thus I know there's is
software that can talk to the modem), however I cannot generate a config
file for the modem using faxsetup.

Does anyone have a config file for this model of faxmodem? I've tried
everything I know. Is there anyone who has the same type of modem and has
got hyla to work? If so, please send info on how you got it to
work, Thanks.

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