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Re: Misc. ramblings about older USR modems

> RECV/CQ: Bad 1D pixel count, row 2138, got 0, expected 1728
> RECV/CQ: Bad 1D pixel count, row 2139, got 0, expected 1728
> RECV/CQ: Bad 1D pixel count, row 2140, got 0, expected 1728
> RECV/CQ: Bad 1D pixel count, row 2141, got 0, expected 1728
> RECV/CQ: Bad 1D pixel count, row 2142, got 0, expected 1728
> RECV/CQ: adjusting for trailing noise (5 run)
> RECV: 2138 total lines, 0 bad lines, 0 consecutive bad lines
> Is this good, bad, or indifferent?

Indifferent to good.  There were no transmission errors but the page
length may have been wrong by just under a millimetre.

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