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RE: How to keep FAXRCVD from converting to postscript?

Don't know if you found a solution yet or not, but I've attached my faxrcvd
script that works for me.  What I did was UUENCODE the file.  Check it out.
It seems to work.  The only problem I found, was that when I opened it from
Outlook 98, it was  a negative of what it should be (viewed using ACDSee
v2.3, Win98).  If I saved it first and then viewed it with SCDSee, it was
just fine!!

Anyway ... the faxrcvd is attached in both Windows format (CR/LF) and Unix
format (LF)


-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Kelley [mailto:tpkelley@winkinc.com]
Sent: Tuesday, December 01, 1998 1:22 PM
To: flexfax@sgi.com
Subject: flexfax: How to keep FAXRCVD from converting to postscript?

I know this is elementary for some of you, but ...

I've tried changing some things (evidently the wrong things) in the
script, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to keep FAXRCVD
from using fax2ps to convert the TIF to ps.  I want it to stay as a TIF
and get emailed to a user.

I can see the relevant portion of the script is

$FAX2PS $FILE 2>/dev/null
echo ""
) | 2>&1 $SENDMAIL -ffax -oi $SENDTO

This - I think - just creates an output file "$FILE" which gets passed
to sendmail ... but I don't understand bash that well ... where does the
"2" come from?  I'm trying to send the original TIFF with none of the
fancy converting - should be easy, right?

Tim Kelley

Attachment Converted: "C:\PROGRAM FILES\EUDORA\Attach\Faxrcvd.unix"

Attachment Converted: "C:\PROGRAM FILES\EUDORA\Attach\Faxrcvd.windows"

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