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Re: Compatibility

Filippo wrote:
> I would like to set up a Linux fax-server  with M$Win networked
> clients....
> Is Hylafax compatible with other fax clients for windows,
> such as winfax pro?Is there a list of compatible clients?
> Or Shall I use only WHFC ? It's good, but the people I have
> to work for dosn't like software changes very much :(
> Thanx
> Filippo


HylaFAX is not comaptible with winfax pro.
You can only use special clients like WHFC. Currently the
whfc versions changed often, because it was under 
developement. But it looks like, that the developement
gets near a stable Version 1.0. Then it fully depends on the
people you work for, if they want to have a new version
or not (do they use MS-Office 4,5,97/98 ? [it changes also
very often and break many things] so the argument of
changing software is not a very good argument, specially
under Windows).

I will inplement language support to the next version,
and i got an interesting e-mail yesterday about implementing
a quick and dirty fax viewing solution. If there is not
too much trouble with this next release, a release Version
1.0 of whfc will then come out.

Ulrich Eckhardt                         Tr@nscom GbR 
http://people.frankfurt.netsurf.de/uli  http://www.transcom.de
                                        Lagerstraße 11-15 A8
                                        64807 Dieburg Germany

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