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Re: AW: AW: Problems submitting very large Number of jobs se quentially


Christoph Stotz wrote:
> How do you changed the assignModem behaviour ? Any patch or code
> snippit avaible ?
Yes, but I don't use (test) it!
It's a small patch but a major change to faxq behavior :
- now runScheduler is not the main function 
- out of date jobs will not be process in the same order
- idem for events
- runScheduler could exit with dead jobs in the run queue
- run queue could become very large,(spool directories).
and so on.

So old problems could pop up, and many new ones could pour in :(

It's up to you.
*** /Y/hylafax/baseline/faxd/Modem.c++	Tue Jul 21 00:42:18 1998
--- /home/fao/hylafax.C015/faxd/Modem.c++	Mon Jul 27 00:24:26 1998
*** 136,143 ****
   * work associated with the specified job.
! Modem::findModem(const Job& job)
      RegEx* c = ModemClass::find(job.device);
      if (c) {
--- 136,144 ----
   * work associated with the specified job.
! Modem::findModem(const Job& job, fxBool *nofound)
+     *nofound = TRUE;
      RegEx* c = ModemClass::find(job.device);
      if (c) {
*** 149,154 ****
--- 150,156 ----
  	    Modem& modem = iter;
  	    if (modem.getState() != Modem::READY)
+ 	    *nofound = FALSE;
  	    if (c->Find(modem.devID) && modem.isCapable(job))
  		return (&modem);
*** 162,167 ****
--- 164,170 ----
  	    Modem& modem = iter;
  	    if (modem.getState() != Modem::READY)
+ 	    *nofound = FALSE;
  	    if (job.device != modem.devID)
  	    return (modem.isCapable(job) ? &modem : (Modem*) NULL);
*** /Y/hylafax/baseline/faxd/Modem.h	Sun May  4 20:31:02 1997
--- /home/fao/hylafax.C015/faxd/Modem.h	Mon Jul 27 00:23:18 1998
*** 107,113 ****
      static Modem& getModemByID(const fxStr& id);
      static Modem* modemExists(const fxStr& id);
!     static Modem* findModem(const Job& job);
      fxBool assign(Job&);		// assign modem
      void release();			// release modem
--- 107,113 ----
      static Modem& getModemByID(const fxStr& id);
      static Modem* modemExists(const fxStr& id);
!     static Modem* findModem(const Job& job, fxBool *nofound);
      fxBool assign(Job&);		// assign modem
      void release();			// release modem
*** /Y/hylafax/baseline/faxd/faxQueueApp.c++	Thu Jul 16 02:03:34 1998
--- /home/fao/hylafax.C015/faxd/faxQueueApp.c++	Mon Jul 27 00:29:30 1998
*** 1996,2001 ****
--- 1996,2002 ----
+     int rep;
       * Reread the configuration file if it has been
       * changed.  We do this before each scheduler run
*** 2098,2104 ****
  		job.remove();			// remove from run queue
  		delayJob(job, *req, "Delayed by time-of-day restrictions", tts);
  		delete req;
! 	    } else if (assignModem(job)) {
  		job.remove();			// remove from run queue
  		 * We have a modem and have assigned it to the
--- 2099,2109 ----
  		job.remove();			// remove from run queue
  		delayJob(job, *req, "Delayed by time-of-day restrictions", tts);
  		delete req;
! 	    } else if (0 != (rep = assignModem(job))) {
! 		if (-1 == rep) {
! 		   delete req;
! 		   break;
! 		}
  		job.remove();			// remove from run queue
  		 * We have a modem and have assigned it to the
*** 2141,2159 ****
   * do not get information about when modems are in
   * use from faxgetty processes.
! fxBool
  faxQueueApp::assignModem(Job& job)
      fxAssert(job.modem == NULL, "Assigning modem to job that already has one");
      fxBool retryModemLookup;
      do {
  	retryModemLookup = FALSE;
! 	Modem* modem = Modem::findModem(job);
  	if (modem) {
  	    if (modem->assign(job)) {
  		Trigger::post(Trigger::MODEM_ASSIGN, *modem);
! 		return (TRUE);
  	     * Modem could not be assigned to job.  The
--- 2146,2164 ----
   * do not get information about when modems are in
   * use from faxgetty processes.
! int
  faxQueueApp::assignModem(Job& job)
      fxAssert(job.modem == NULL, "Assigning modem to job that already has one");
!     fxBool noModemReady;
      fxBool retryModemLookup;
      do {
  	retryModemLookup = FALSE;
! 	Modem* modem = Modem::findModem(job, &noModemReady);
  	if (modem) {
  	    if (modem->assign(job)) {
  		Trigger::post(Trigger::MODEM_ASSIGN, *modem);
! 		return (1);
  	     * Modem could not be assigned to job.  The
*** 2172,2178 ****
  	} else
  	    traceJob(job, "No assignable modem located");
      } while (retryModemLookup);
!     return (FALSE);
--- 2177,2183 ----
  	} else
  	    traceJob(job, "No assignable modem located");
      } while (retryModemLookup);
!     return (noModemReady?-1:0);
*** /Y/hylafax/baseline/faxd/faxQueueApp.h	Sun May  4 20:31:02 1997
--- /home/fao/hylafax.C015/faxd/faxQueueApp.h	Mon Jul 27 00:25:53 1998
*** 153,159 ****
      fxStr	canonicalizePhoneNumber(const fxStr& ds);
  // modem support
      void	scanForModems();
!     fxBool	assignModem(Job& job);
      void	releaseModem(Job& job);
      void	notifyModemWedged(Modem&);
      void	pollForModemLock(Modem& modem);
--- 153,160 ----
      fxStr	canonicalizePhoneNumber(const fxStr& ds);
  // modem support
      void	scanForModems();
! //    fxBool	assignModem(Job& job);
!     int	assignModem(Job& job);
      void	releaseModem(Job& job);
      void	notifyModemWedged(Modem&);
      void	pollForModemLock(Modem& modem);

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